Socratic Method / Socratic Questioning / Socratic Dialogue
Prompts For Challenging Your Negative Thinking
Examining Your Negative Thoughts
Uncovering Your Deeper Beliefs
Prompts For Challenging Negative Thinking (Archived)
Play The Script Till The End
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Beck, A. T., & Dozois, D. J. (2011). Cognitive therapy: Current status and future directions. Annual Review of Medicine, 62, 397–409.
Beck, A. T., Rush, A. J., Shaw, B. F., & Emery, G. (1979). Cognitive therapy of depression. New York: Guilford Press.
Clark, G. I., & Egan, S. J. (2015). The Socratic Method in cognitive behavioural therapy: A narrative review. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 39(6), 863–879.
Kazantzis, N., Fairburn, C. G., Padesky, C. A., Reinecke, M., & Teesson, M. (2014). Unresolved issues regarding the research and practice of cognitive behavior therapy: The case of guided discovery using Socratic questioning. Behaviour Change, 31(1), 1-17.
Padesky, C. A. (1993, September). Socratic questioning: Changing minds or guiding discovery. In A keynote address delivered at the European Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, London (Vol. 24).
Roth, A. D., & Pilling, S. (2007). The competences required to deliver effective cognitive and behaviouraltherapy for people with depression and with anxiety disorders. London: Department of Health.